What is Meditation On Twin Hearts?
Meditation on Twin Hearts is based on the principle that some of the major energy centers or chakras are entry points or gateways to certain levels or horizons of consciousness. The Twin Hearts pertain to the heart and crown energy centers. The heart chakra is an energy center in front of a person’s chest. It is the energy counterpart to the physical heart. The heart chakra is the center for compassion, joy , affection, consideration, mercy, and other higher refined emotions. The crown energy center ( also called the spiritual heart) located on the top of the head is the entry point to higher spiritual consciousness. To achieve illumination or cosmic consciousness, it is necessary to sufficiently activate crown chakra. This can be done only when the heart chakra is sufficiently activated. Only by developing the higher refined emotions can one possibly experience divine love. When the crown center is highly developed, one experiences Divine Love and Oneness with All.
Blessing the earth with loving-kindness, peace and goodwill following the Meditation on Twin Hearts can be done by a group as a form of world service. The effectiveness of the blessings is magnified many times more when done as a group rather than as an individual.
What Happens During The Meditation On Twin Hearts?
When a person practices Meditation on Twin Hearts, divine energy flows down to the practitioner, filling him with Divine Light, Love, and Power. The practitioner becomes a channel for this Divine Energy.
Spiritual aspirants who have practiced this meditation for quite sometime may experience being enveloped by dazzling, sometimes blinding light. In addition, practitioners may experience divine ecstasy and bliss, and a feeling of oneness with all creation. This has been a common experience among advanced yogis and saints of all religions, and can be verified through their holy scriptures.
This blinding, brilliant, and dazzling light is known as Heaven Ki in Taoist Yoga, or the Pillar of Light in ancient Jewish Kaballah traditions. To the Indian Yogis and saints, they call this pillar of light, the Antakharana, or spiritual bridge of light. The Christians refer to it as the Descent of Holy Spirit, symbolized by a pillar of light with a descending white dove. The white dove represents the coming down of diving energy. The descent of the Divine Energy causes the temporary expansion of the practitioners major chakras and inner aura. When meditation is practiced on a regular basis, the expansion may become permanent.
The Heart Chakra is a replica, or twin of the crown chakra. When you look at the heart chakra, it has twelve petals, similar to the twelve petals which form the inner core of the crown chakra. The crown chakra, on the other hand , is the center for illumination, or divine love, or oneness with all. It is situated on top of a person’s head, providing energy for the brain and the glands therein. When the crown chakra is sufficiently activated, its inner core of twelve petals unfurl, open and turn upward like a golden cup, golden crown, golden lotus, or golden flower, to receive spiritual energy which is distributed to other parts of the body.
Benefits Of Meditation On Twin Hearts
The Meditation on Twin Hearts is a method used for gaining deep relaxation, eliminating stress, promoting health, increasing creativity, and intelligence, and attaining inner happiness and fulfillment. It is practiced by millions of people worldwide and is a simple, natural, effortless technique.
Research and Scientific studies have been completed on the neurophysiological, psychological, sociological, and psychospiritual effects of the Meditation on Twin Hearts. These studies have been conducted mostly in New York city and in Banglore, India.
1. Psychological Benefits
2. Sociological Benefits
3. Psychospiritual Benefits
Psychological Benefits
1. Meditation on Twin Hearts is used as a meditation tool for stress relief in Stress management programs
2. There is a noticeable relaxation of the body, calming of the emotions and stillness of the mind.
3. Regular practice of Meditation on Twin Hearts results in increasing contentment, happiness, inner peace, and joy in life
4. There has been improved and enhancement of the relationships with spouses, family members and co-workers.
5. There was complete cessation of drug abuse following the Meditation on Twin Hearts and is presently being used in drug rehabilitation programs.
6. In cojuntion with Pranic Healing, Meditation on Twin Hearts has also shown increased academic performance, athletic skills, behavioural functioning, improved memory, and job performance.
Sociological Benefits
1. Improved Family and Interpersonal Relationships-Regular practice of Meditation on Twin Hearts has shown improved and enhanced relationships. It has proven to save marriages and relationships that were falling apart.
2. Improved work performance- In Columbia and India, Meditation on Twin Hearts is done every morning before starting the work day. There has even been use of Meditation on Twin Hearts in corporate companies such as banks and businesses.
3. Dramatic social change- There has been promotion of peace in the environment, society, and country, and a significant reduction of violence. In Columbia there are regular groups of Meditations on Twin Hearts practitioners blessing the country and their areas. There has been a greater response in aiding catastrophies such as storms, floods, earthquakes. Several positive political changes have taken place in the Phillippines, Columbia, and El Salvador.
Psychospiritual Benefis
1. Meditation on Twin Hearts opens the awareness to the infinite reservoir of energy, creativity, and intelligence that lies deep within everyone.
2. The meditation relaxes the body, calms the emotions and stills the mind.
3. Regular practitioners attain inner happiness, inner peace and fulfillment.
4. This helps in achieving Illumination and profound expansion of consciousness.
5. Spiritual aspirants who practice this meditation regularly may experience envelopment of dazzling, even blinding light. Practitioners may also experience divine ecstasy and bliss, and a feeling of oneness with all creation. This can be verified through the holy scriptures of all religions.
6. This also increases sizes of chakras and auras making the energy body stronger and more dynamic.
7. By practicing it regularly, one becomes more intelligent and develops increased intuitive abilities.